Frozen Pipeline to Open from Arctic to the Carolinas

Hello all! I’m sure you’ve been hearing about the impending Arctic intrusion that is about to take place this weekend. Yes it’s coming, and should move in on Sunday. By Monday morning some of us could see lows in the single digits. This is pretty amazing, since it will be colder in the Carolinas than the Northeast! This is due to where the cold air is coming from, and where it is moving to. It’s almost as if an imaginary “pipeline” will be setup between Canada and the Southeast. Below are the Euro temperature anomalies valid Monday morning on the Euro:

This Arctic intrusion will actually be the result of a Polar Vortex split, where one of the lobes parks itself over the northern United States. It will be cold! Prepare for a cold snap by stocking up on firewood, home heating oil, and make sure to winterize your cars and trucks. The “frozen pipeline” is better seen below, and the coldest air is in dark and bright purple.

What kind of temperatures are we looking at? Mainly in the teens across the Carolinas but the single digits in the mountains. Charlotte could go down to 13 ° F. The coast will dip into the low 20s. Will there be any kind of winter storm to go with the cold? We will be watching to see if anything shows up for this coming weekend, but there are no real good clues just yet. If anything, could be another major storm for the Northeast.

But for now, make sure the hats, gloves, scarves and mittens are ready to go!

Author: Michael Griffith

I have had a passion for the weather since a very young age and am a degreed meteorologist. I have a Bachelor of Science from Penn State University and a Master's from Plymouth State University. If you ever see me out and about in the Charlotte, NC area, be sure to say hi!