As today is cloudy and not overall hot here in Charlotte, the humidity is on the rise. As temperatures will remain on the hot side this week, some relief is coming late this weekend. A strong cold front will bring much cooler and perhaps wetter conditions. Some rain would be welcomed and it could be on the way, but how much is uncertain. It might not be as much rain as some forecasters think.
Nonetheless, the pattern change is set to arrive this weekend, and by Sunday evening we will be back to early spring temperatures. Below is the Euro temperature anomaly for 8pm Sunday.
High temperatures could go from the 90s back to the 80s, and in some cases no more than the 70s on Sunday.
There may or may not be severe storms ahead of the temperature swing, but we will be watching. As of now clouds here in Charlotte are limiting what was supposed to be mid 90s heat today!
We’ll see if it actually happens this week, could be a bust, might not be.
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